Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Creeper


Name: Michael (I don't know his last name)

Age: 14 (well.. I think. He's a freshman.. like me. JOY.)

Physical Description: Short hair, huge head, slightly chubby, Asian, tall, scary.. the usual smcs (super intense math magnet program) kid creeper

Summary: I can thank John for this one. Last week on Thurday, he taught this really strange kid in our math class my name. That strange kid in our math class would be.. Michael. Michael, the lovely kid who enjoys creeping on me, decided that since me and John are the only blonde kids in our math class (it's magnet functions.. the hardest one, so not to be racist or anything, but naturally it's filled with Asians and Indians), we are married. GREAT THINKING DUDE. Anyways, my full name is Genevieve, but everyone calls me Gen. The teachers call me Genevieve though since that's what is on all their forms. IT (ugh I hate that thing) was like "John, is your girlfriends name Genevieve?" but John was ignoring him (that's a good plan by the way..) he was just like "Yeah Michael." Then, Michael started telling people in my English class everything he knew about me. Including the fact (well not really a fact since it's not and has never been true) that John is my boyfriend. Which he's not. Then, another day during math, Michael wrote ' GENEVIEVE "GEN" STILLWATER ' in his planner and SHOWED IT TO ME. Um.. creepy much? He's so weird. I'll just ask people "Do you know Michael?" and they're all like "Yeah, he's really weird." 

sometimes I really hate you John. 

Catching Up!

The first two weeks of high school were.. tolerable. I wouldn't say they were awesome and I cannot wait for Monday and I love it or anything, but I'm not totally dreading the weekend ending. Other than being really tired, its not too bad.

So, basically what's happened is:

I joined a group of girls.. They're all pretty nice, but they were friends in middle school too, so I'm the new girl. I guess sometimes they forget that I don't know the people they're talking about or to and it would be awkward if I joined the conversation. I miss being able to joke around and be crazy with my old friends. Hopefully, I'll feel more comfortable with them and break out of my shell. 


Any ways.. All the girls from my class last year are having a sleepover in 15 hours and I cannot wait another minute. I seriously might explode with excitement. I finally get to be my crazy self instead of feeling awkward, lost, and tiny bit excluded (and quiet and BOR-ING). THANK GOD. 

I've only laughed with my new friends twice. Once was about how weird my English teacher, Ms. Kellert is, and the other was after a volleyball game last Friday. This saddens me. 

So, this was my slightly depressing diaryish post where I talk about feelings.. Look at me being my own psychiatrist. 

Is anyone else out there the new kid? Does it suck this much for you, because I'm ready to go back to my old school like tomorrow.

okay maybe mine doesnt suck THAT much but still.. I dont really like it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School PART ONE

So this morning when my alarm went off at 


I found this and I really like it. A lot of this is so true (especially learning a language and about the culture and stuff). I learned sooo much Spanish in Peru it wasn't even funny.. even though the Spanish I learned won't really help much in class if you get what I mean. (Unless putamadre is a vocab word or something..) 


Sunday, August 28, 2011


AHHHH SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW!!! I am not ready for high school. I haven't even finished my math packet yet... I should probably work on that instead of writing a blog.. But I had a pretty good last official day of summer, but trust me. Summer is NOT over until I decide its time to put away the bikinis, tank tops, flip flops, and super short shorts and take out the sweaters, leaf piles, jeans, Halloween, and HOMECOMING! 

That's another issue. HOMECOMING. ahhh god I'm not ready for fall yet. Homecoming is sort of a dating thing, but if you don't go with a date, you go with friends. The problem is.. I have none. Well, none that go to my high school anyway. 

I mean I have John and Charlie, (oooh double date) but going with a guy friend can be weird because then people think you're a couple. Plus that girl Zoe I met at orientation was really nice. But still... it will be awkward. I'm not skipping it though. I NEVER miss a party unless it sounds really reaally lame or I have to. 


Anyways, another issue in my life.. I START HIGH SCHOOL TOMORROW. Not in two days, not next week.. TOMORROW. I still don't know what I want to wear or what I need for school supplies or how I'm gonna do my hair or aaaaaah anything. 

Please, if you're reading this.. PRAY FOR ME. Unless you're like Buddhist or atheist, then chant for me or cross your fingers. Whatever works. I 'll use ANY help I can get. 

xoxo gen

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Well this is embarrassing.. Remember Paolo? Yeah him. Well anyways, I sent him a letter from camp, which means it should've been mailed like August 15. Today is the 28th.. It STILL HASNT GOTTEN THERE. WHY, you're totally asking, since Isabella's letter only took like a week or so to get there. WELL, ughh maybe I should just start the story from the beginning....

So back on JULY FREAKING 22 I asked Paolo for his address so I could send him a letter from my camp. This is what he wrote.. 

Tori hello! That would be great, but we coukd chat on friday night, because im in a 
place with no computer ( im in an iPod) ok?

AWWW DOESNT HE WRITE ADORABLY? BUT the freaking idiot did noot tell me his address. SO when I went to my next camp two weeks later, I asked my mom to find the Peru packet with all of the addresses in it and to send me his. HOWEVER, my mom could not find this packet so she decided to email my art teacher, who runs the exchange program, and asked her to email me at camp. (there's an email only for campers and they print them out).  BUT my art teacher couldn't find the address either so she emailed Sarah, one of the chaperones for the Peru trip. So one day (August 12th actually) at lunch I got an email saying.. 

Hello Tori, 
I heard you are in search of Paolo's address! Your mom contacted Mrs. Bottlenose (the art teacher), who didn't have it so she contacted me. The Lay's (paolo's last name) address is: 

ADDRESS: Los Mimbres 123, Apt. 301, Urb. Los Leones, La Molina, Lima 12, PERU

I'm glad you are staying in touch with your friends in Peru. Have a great rest of the summer and enjoy your time at camp! 

Take care,

Uh.. AWKWARD MUCH? ANND not only that and waiting like 3 weeks for the address.. she gave me the wrong house number. He lives at 302 NOT 301. retard.  

So now that I've been mortally embarrassed.. 

xoxo gen

P.S. Don't try to send a letter there, I changed the address. He won't get it. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What to wear?

Okay, so it's like nine at night and I just realized.. 

Orientation is ALMOST as important as the first day of school.. Its like your FIRST first impression that people will actually remember. The one in June wasn't that important. I don't remember anyone from June. Except for that really weird girl that asked how they sort books in the library.. Anyways I wasn't that weird... I hope. I didn't ask any questions, but nobody really did. 


I know nobody is probably reading this, but if you are, PLEASE, what should I wear? Anything is helpful. 

xoxo gen <3

My Life FREAKING Sucks.

Hey! So, CONGRATS! you made it through my babbling.. or you skipped it. Either way.. I don't mind. 

Anyways, this is called "My Not-So-Secret Diary" but I really haven't said anything diary worthy yet. Okay yeah this is really awkward so I'm just gonna get to the diaryish parts now if you don't mind.. 

so basically.. 


1. I'm starting high school in exactly 5 days and I would rather not. I'm freaking out a little. 

2. I reeeeeally miss all my friends from when I went to Peru in June/July. Especially my host, Isabella, and all my other friends:( I have a hard time saying goodbye.. 

3. There is a huge cold sore on my lip and like I said earlier IM STARTING HIGH SCHOOL ON M O N D A Y. AND as if my life doesn't suck enough.. I have orientation tomorrow. I don't even know if the freaking cold sore will just die by monday or if i need surgery or something to finally kill it. Not to be gross or anything but it's NASTY as anything. Actually.. now that I think about it.. this horrible thing on my lip reminds me of my old math teacher, Mr. Z.. big, ugly, and I cannot WAIT to get rid of it. (More about THAT weirdo later..) 

4. So there's this guy I like. Like, a lot. As in slightly huge crush. He's really adorable and he's hot and I know he at least liked me. The only problem is.. he lives 10,000 miles away. In Lima freaking PERU. I chat with him on facebook all the time, but I know I'll never be able to have a real relationship with him. You can't kiss someone over skype. What really sucks is he TOLD ME he liked me.. AFTER I GOT BACK HOME. Greeeat timing Paolo. (thats his "name".. isn't it cute?) UGH I HATE THIS FEELING. And when I was there I didn't really like him that much.. mostly as a friend but a little bit more. I didn't really know what I felt. 

sometimes, my life REALLY sucks. As in FREAKING SUCKS. 

xoxo gen <3 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


HELLOO THERE RANDOM PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET!  I mean, if anyone actually ever finds this all. Seriously... I doubt it. But just in case somebody other than me ends up reading this: HEY THERE! It's me.. asdhfljks. Yeah sorry bout that, but I feel like it might be better if I change all the names on here. Just cause. Soo to YOU my name is Genevieve. Don't ask.. Anyways, just incase anyone is wondering who on earth I think I'm interesting enough to write a blog.. My friend told me that the selected parts of my diary I read to her (dude. There's a reason I only tell that stuff to a book.) are so funny I should publish them (my diaries) once they probably won't offend anyone anymore. That and I read something in Seventeen that you can get a scholarship for blogging so hey.. free money is always good and I might as well start now. 

Anyways I know nothing about blogging so I'm assuming that normal people blog about fashion or cooking or some really "cool" knitting pattern they just made up (boring much?) and I'm guessing that people who are into fashion or cooking or super exciting knitting patterns would read those blogs. So I really don't know who will want to read mine because it's about.. me. And my life. So if you're into me.. then YAY you found your dream blog. BUT you don't even know who I am since I put in a fake name.. SOO I guess this means nobody will be into my blog. Oh well my life (as boring as it is) is waaaay more interesting than some knitting pattern. (I mean, at least I HOPE it is.) My little brother's MATH TEXTBOOK is more interesting than knitting patterns. At least it has some weird picture on the front. 

So if you're still reading, first mad props to you for having a super long attention span, and second I figured out what my blog is about, other than my life. Well sort of. Like that girl in the Perfect Man wrote HER blog about how she moved around all the time (her boyfriend was really ugly.. sorry random), mine is going to be about my first year of high school AND at a public school. PLUS I'm going to a magnet school, which means there will be tons of weird people and I only know four other people going there. One plays minecraft 24/7, one is in my ballet class and has really bad acne, one hates me for no reason, and the last one is sorta mentally deranged (so am I so I shouldn't judge. But he's had like 3 concussions so I don't know if he can help it. He probably can.). FUN right? 

Dear god just kill me now. 

xoxo genevieve